There’s an old saying that goes ”God made whiskey so the Irish won’t rule the world”. Although not literally so, there’s no denying that the Irish social scene revolves around pubs and pints. The Public Houses or “pubs” have always been the center of the Irish community and offer a place to consume alcoholic beverages, talk politics, sports and enjoy food, music and darts.
The word craic, has a long history but primarily refers to the atmosphere, conversation, fun and enjoyment in an Irish pub. The Irish are a friendly people and there is certain etiquette to be followed in the local pubs. The first timer in a traditional pub will be greeted politely and if not ignored will be given their own space. After visiting the local pub several times, the newcomer will begin to feel welcome and can take part in the social intercourse.
Sit at the bar and remember that it is considered impolite to beckon the bartender; they’ll
notice the new patrons and service will be forthcoming. Very few people buy their own drinks in an Irish pub and the order of the day is to buy rounds whether for two or ten. The original pubs were not eateries but the new, tourist oriented, establishments offer traditional Irish fare and bar specialties.
The success of Irish pubs can be proved by the fact that Irish pubs have opened all over Europe from Bergen Norway to Paros Greece and all over the World from San Francisco to Kyoto Japan and Auckland New Zealand. Of course, it's always different to live the original experience of an Irish pub in Ireland.
Dublin has a young working class, lively nightlife is an ongoing phenomenon and the variety of nightclubs is endless. Extravagant clubs host everything from jazz bands to heavy metal, traditional music to, TV laden, sports bars. The majority of nightclubs are open until 3:00 am and Dublin could be known as the town that never sleeps. For a country that is not known for its cooking, a huge variety of restaurants can be found that offer everything from traditional Irish fare to international cuisine.
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